Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And the Gold Medal Goes To...

Each year, I am always surprised to see that there are one or two artists who never fail to appear wearing the most unflattering, unattractive outfits. One would think that celebrities would want try and "dress to impress" since their fans and many others worldwide are watching. Awards shows like the Juno's, are venues where artists are able to advertise themselves and represent who they are. At this year's 2010 Juno Awards, I spotted two "not so well dressed" artists; however, one artist stood out tremendously, not because of his fashion faux pas, but because of his amazing sense of style.

Nikki Yonofsky is the first victim of the night. Nikki is new to the public eye, with having her first hit single "I Believe" as the theme song from the 2010 Winter Olympics that just took place a few months ago. I am not sure what look she was trying to go for with her way to big, draw-stringed skirt, sequined skirt, her blazer that looked like it had been left in the dryer for too long and her pillow-case looking grey top.

Classy or sloppy? I hate to trash talk Nikki becasue she seems like a sweet girl, but I will have to go with sloppy. This is her first awards show so we will gve her the benefit of the doubt. Just try and not let it happen again Nikki.

The next victim to my fashion trash-talk is Shiloh, an alternative singer who showed upwearing a hooded dress that looks like it was from the circus. I give her kudos for bringing colour to the event but there is too much going on with the mini she chose to wear that it is just too distracting. Too make matters worse, she paired her hooded-mini with shredded tights. Patch them up Shiloh.

Out of everyone that I saw at the Juno's from artists, to actors to athletes, there was one person in particular who stood out like a sore thumb for his pulled together look. Alexander Bordeaux is the first Canadian Olympic athlete to win a gold model on Canadian soil for downhill skiing. When Alexander appeared on stage, the crowd was cheering for what must have been for his amazing choice of evening attire. He was dressed in a very classy grey suit which had a sheen similar to that of a gold medal shine. He paired the suit with a crisp white shirt, and skinny black tie. If his outfit wasn't already perfect enough, he had on a neon orange wrist watch to add a pop of colour to his monchromatic outfit.

Not only did Alex win the gold for best downhill ski this winter, but he also won the gold medal for being the best dressed at the Juno's in my eyes.

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